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Revision as of 21:38, 26 March 2018 by Barvision (talk | contribs) (Information for OwnCloud usage)
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Last update by --Barvision 14:38, 26 March 2018 (PDT)

Creating and Sharing Folders

  1. Log onto OwnCloud using your CWL
  2. Near the top left of the landing page, right of the home icon, press "+" and select folder. Type in the name and press enter to create the folder.
  3. The folder will appear in the list. On the right side of the folder row, there is a share button (three interconnected dots) and additional options. Press the share button
  4. A panel will appear on the right with a field to enter names.
    1. If you enter a non-CWL account, the user will be able to see the folder and make edits (upload, move, delete, rename) but they cannot share the file with others.
    2. If you enter a CWL account, you have more control over what permissions are available. Click the ellipses to get additional options.

Creating and sharing sub-directories

Creating sub-directories is the same as above. Note that sharing sub-directories does not grant access to the parent directory. For example:

  1. I have the following folders in this structure: "Parent Directory" > "Sub-directory"
  2. I share "Parent Directory" with Mario - he has access to "Parent Directory" _and_ "Sub-directory" according to permissions I set in "Parent Directory"
  3. I share "Sub-directory" with Luigi - they have access only to "Sub-directory", and not "Parent Directory"

The implication is that you can have a large folder for an entire lab, where individuals have access to their own projects. Note regarding sharing:

  • When a folder is shared, people with "re-share" access can revoke permissions:
    • In the example above, if Mario shares "Sub-directory" to Luigi, I can also see and change Luigi's permissions

File versioning

Previous versions of files are saved and do not count against your storage quota.

To fetch a previous version:

  1. click on the file to open the file panel (on the right)
  2. On the right side panel, click the "Versions" tab
  3. To restore a file, click the circular arrow. To download the file, click on the timestamp.

Additional information

A Nextcloud Manual is created in your directory when you log in. It should have the most up-to-date information on using NextCloud.