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Here is the new matlab script page!

===Show / hide mouse cursor===
===Example: using loops to control blocks and trials===

===Show text onscreen===
===Loading images into MATLAB===
===Making Textures===
===Showing images on screen===
===Screen Flip===
===Example: displaying onscreen images===

==Input / Output==
===[[Input / Output]]===
===Wait for user input===
===Check input value===
===Saving out data===
===Example: save data to a text file===

==Psychology Experiment Specific==
===[[Psychology Experiment Specific]]===
===Subject number===
===Assigning conditions===
===Flipping conditions===
===Condition based image loading===
===Condition based image display===
===Display fixation point===
===Randomizing image order/positioning===
===Measuring reaction time===
===Check for correct response===

under construction...

==Full Examples==
===[[Full Examples]]===
===Shape Search===
===Automatic coding of correct trials===
See our [[Script Repository]] for some MATLAB scripts.
==Additional Resources==
[[Quick notes]]
[http://books.google.ca/books?id=FZZ76H5pCdAC&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=matlab+for+behavioral+scientists&source=bl&ots=_lkZSVjLsa&sig=B3ZAK4Gt3mCz80AA4zI1ApaIfi8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XCiIUdD8GK7ligLOl4GICw&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAg Google Books' full text copy of David A. Rosenbaum's "MatLab for Behavioral Scientists"] A detailed and very helpful account of MatLab's uses specifically in psychology.

Latest revision as of 22:52, 30 March 2015