Dikablis Mobile Eye-Tracking System

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- open dikablis recording software - open/create project and subject - adjust camera so that pupil is centered in square - define coordinates using known positions, e.g., corners of the screen, in calibration wizard - define centers of the markers in calibration wizard

control center

- used to stream data to another computer? (what about the dikablis software tho)


- *on optitrak computer* use matlab script tom/josi optitrak scene_experiment.m - wait for network symbol to indicate 'connected' - press 'start record' -after the expreiemrnt is finished 'stop record'

Marker Detector

-run marker detector to detect markers in the video recorded by the field camera -

Manual Recalibration

-only if you know where subject looked during particular frame

-Dikablis anlayis software -open to subject- choose the frame(s) where you know where the subject was looking, e.g., fixation cross frames -click on start calibration -can manually adjust position x and y to where the subject was known to be looking -click on add, and it will add your adjustment -can continue doing this, using the slider to identify particular frames -when finished, click stop calibration -file, save as postprocessed subject name

AOIs and Gaze Statistics

-dlab software -import dikablis- select a recording and scene in left panel, can analyze recalibrated files-can add area of interest either for whole project or particular subject, can calculate gaze statistics, e.g., how often/long looked at region -click new, define using left and right clicks, select marks, press ok -compute gaze behaviour

Dikablis Manuals

Hardware setup