Optitrak + Projector touch table/surface

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Calibration with Tracking Tools

note: if you are using the laptop setup in room 3108, make sure that the dongle for Tracking Tools is not plugged in when starting up the computer.

To calibrate the optitrak for use with the touch table, make sure that the Tracking tools dongle is plugged in. Then start Tracking Tools from the desktop.

In general, you will follow these steps in order to calibrate:

  1. Use the wand to register the area of interest
  2. Use the plane to set the ground plane
  3. If using trackables, create trackable objects
  4. Set the data to stream out (for reading into matlab)

Step-by-step calibration guide

  1. Open tracking tools
Start trackingtools.png

  1. Change Illumination
Continuousillum trackingtools.png

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Wandingcalibration trackingtools.png

Applycal trackingtools.png

Setgroundplane1 trackingtools.JPGSetgroundplane2 trackingtools.png

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Matlab scripts

Function: Setting the optitrak plane in matlab

In place of the matlab code for reading in optitrak data, the following matlab function can be used to:

  1. read in data sent from the optitrak system, and furthermore
  2. set the table top plane, as understood by the Optitrak, into variables for reference in matlab, and
  3. transform the native coordinate system of the optitrak (x z y) into another, possibly more familiar coordinate system (x y z).

This function will return:

This function should be called before opening a main window with psychtoolbox.

function [touch_plane_info, client] = opti_setup_touch_plane_srt

%This gives an error (freezes) if the NET assembly is already loaded.  In
%that case you need to quit Matlab and start over

if ~IsAssemblyAdded('NatNetML')  
	Opti = NET.addAssembly('C:\Users\Jim Enns\Documents\MATLAB\NatNetSDK2.2\NatNetSDK\lib\NatNetML.dll');

client = NatNetML.NatNetClientML(1);
data = client.GetLastFrameOfData;

reply = 'N';
while ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')
	answer = {};
	while isempty(answer)        
		prompt={'Pixel Coords: '};
		name='Lower Left Corner';
		numlines=[1,35]; %this width allows for title to be seen
		defaultanswer={'[0 768]'};

		%convert from string to number data for output variables
		if ~isempty(answer)
			OriginPixelCoords = str2num(answer{1});

	pDataDest = [data.OtherMarkers(1).x data.OtherMarkers(1).z data.OtherMarkers(1).y];
	Question = {'LOWER LEFT pre coordinate transform:'...
		'Marker 1: ' num2str(pDataDest(1:3))...
	ButtonName = questdlg(Question, 'Data Check', 'Yes', 'No', 'Quit', 'Yes');

	switch ButtonName
		case 'Yes'
			orig_pos = pDataDest;
			reply = 'Y';
		case 'No'
			reply = 'N';
		case 'Quit'
			%quit opto too?
			%need to pass quit flag so this actually works?
			transform_info = [];
			clear all; close all; Screen('CloseAll'); 
			disp('*** Exiting Program ***');


%take a point on +ve x axis
while ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')

	answer = {};
	while isempty(answer)        
		prompt={'Pixel Coords: '};
		name='Lower Right Corner';
		numlines=[1,35]; %this width allows for title to be seen
		defaultanswer={'[1024 768]'};

		%convert from string to number data for output variables
		if ~isempty(answer)
			XAxisPixelCoords = str2num(answer{1});

	 pDataDest = [data.OtherMarkers(1).x data.OtherMarkers(1).z data.OtherMarkers(1).y];
	Question = {'LOWER RIGHT pre coordinate transform:'...
		'Marker 1: ' num2str(pDataDest(1:3))...
	ButtonName = questdlg(Question, 'Data Check', 'Yes', 'No', 'Quit', 'Yes');

	switch ButtonName
		case 'Yes'
			x_axis = pDataDest;
			reply = 'Y';
		case 'No'
			reply = 'N';
		case 'Quit'
			%quit opto too?
			%need to pass quit flag so this actually works?
			clear all; close all; Screen('CloseAll'); 
			disp('*** Exiting Program ***');

% point on the xy plane
while ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')

	answer = {};
	while isempty(answer)        
		prompt={'Pixel Coords: '};
		name='Upper Left Corner';
		numlines=[1,35]; %this width allows for title to be seen
		defaultanswer={'[0 0]'};

		%convert from string to number data for output variables
		if ~isempty(answer)
			YAxisPixelCoords = str2num(answer{1});

	 pDataDest = [data.OtherMarkers(1).x data.OtherMarkers(1).z data.OtherMarkers(1).y];
	Question = {'UPPER LEFT pre coordinate transform:'...
		'Marker 1: ' num2str(pDataDest(1:3))...
	ButtonName = questdlg(Question, 'Data Check', 'Yes', 'No', 'Quit', 'Yes');

	switch ButtonName
		case 'Yes'
			y_axis = pDataDest;
			reply = 'Y';
		case 'No'
			reply = 'N';
		case 'Quit'
			%quit opto too?
			%need to pass quit flag so this actually works?
			clear all; close all; Screen('CloseAll'); 
			disp('*** Exiting Program ***');

% finish the screen rect (event though this is redundant for establishing
% the plane)
while ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')

	answer = {};
	while isempty(answer)        
		prompt={'Pixel Coords: '};
		name='Upper Right Corner';
		numlines=[1,35]; %this width allows for title to be seen
		defaultanswer={'[1024 0]'};

		%convert from string to number data for output variables
		if ~isempty(answer)
			OppCornerPixelCoords = str2num(answer{1});

	 pDataDest = [data.OtherMarkers(1).x data.OtherMarkers(1).z data.OtherMarkers(1).y];
	Question = {'UPPER RIGHT pre coordinate transform:'...
		'Marker 1: ' num2str(pDataDest(1:3))...
	ButtonName = questdlg(Question, 'Data Check', 'Yes', 'No', 'Quit', 'Yes');

	switch ButtonName
		case 'Yes'
			opp_corner = pDataDest;
			reply = 'Y';
		case 'No'
			reply = 'N';
		case 'Quit'
			%quit opto too?
			%need to pass quit flag so this actually works?
			clear all; close all; Screen('CloseAll'); 
			disp('*** Exiting Program ***');

%Create the Coordinate Systesm

%Display the new transformed coordinate system
disp('Points in Local Coordinate System are:')
[new_orig]=transform4(T_opto_plane, orig_pos)
[new_x_axis]=transform4(T_opto_plane, x_axis)
[new_y_axis]=transform4(T_opto_plane, y_axis)
[new_opp_corner]=transform4(T_opto_plane, opp_corner)

touch_plane_info.T_opto_plane = double(T_opto_plane);
touch_plane_info.T_plane_opto = double(T_plane_opto); 
touch_plane_info.opto_rect = double([new_orig; new_x_axis; new_y_axis; new_opp_corner]);
touch_plane_info.pixel_rect = double([OriginPixelCoords; XAxisPixelCoords; YAxisPixelCoords; OppCornerPixelCoords]);
touch_plane_info.old_opto_rect = double([orig_pos; x_axis; y_axis; opp_corner]);

%calculate the pixel to opto conversion
mm1 = double((new_x_axis(1) - new_orig(1))/(XAxisPixelCoords(1) - OriginPixelCoords(1)) * 1000);
mm2 = double((new_opp_corner(1) - new_y_axis(1))/(OppCornerPixelCoords(1) - YAxisPixelCoords(1)) * 1000);
mm3 = double(-(new_orig(2) - new_y_axis(2))/(OriginPixelCoords(2) - YAxisPixelCoords(2)) * 1000);
mm4 = double(-(new_x_axis(2) - new_opp_corner(2))/(XAxisPixelCoords(2) - OppCornerPixelCoords(2)) * 1000);
touch_plane_info.mmPerPixel = mean ([mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4]);