Optitrak Motion Tracking System

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Revision as of 03:19, 28 March 2012 by Barvision (talk | contribs)
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The Optitrak Motion tracking system consists of infrared-emitting and -sensing cameras positioned to triangulate and extract information about the location, movement, and orientation of rigid bodies.

-refer to videos for reflective dot placement on body suits

ARENA software

-wizard -> calibration -sometimes says camera 0-x, ?? -make sure cameras 1-6 (or whatever's appropriate) -next, camera preview- remove any reflective surface you don't want the cameras to pick up -if you see any points you can't remove physically, block all visible points (but this a last resort solution) - -right click for option to change to grayscale to see what cameras are actually recording (useful if changing camera positions, i.e., not in established real room setup)

-next, start wanding- it's important when wanding that wand is visible to as many cameras at possible for most of the time -next -next, set ground plane -next, capture volume preview -next, save calibration results

-refer to the arena website for videos demonstrating how to position markers on black shirt and pants - -t-stance 34 markers

Streaming Data to Matlab

- right side panel has stream tab -can choose unicast to stream to e.g., matlab on same computer
