Dikablis D-Lab
AOIs and Gaze Statistics
-dlab software -import dikablis- select a recording and scene in left panel, can analyze recalibrated files-can add area of interest either for whole project or particular subject, can calculate gaze statistics, e.g., how often/long looked at region -click new, define using left and right clicks, select marks, press ok -compute gaze behaviour
Creating New Conditions
- test_p pictures
Setting Within Subject Conditions in D-Lab
It is possible to set within-subject conditions manually, after the each subject's video has been recorded. However it is much easier and less time consuming to remotely set conditions through the D-Lab Control software.
Note that within-subjects conditions are called "Use Cases" in the Dikablis manuals.
Manually Setting Conditions
- after the fact* creating test procedure, (condition vs. task, subtask, etc.): d-lab manual 22/107
Remotely Setting Conditions
in order to remotely set conditions through Control software, you must first create a common test procedure (?).
d-lab manual: 24/107, 98/107
clicking conditions to mark start and end times in the control centre
matlab script to do the above automatically
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