Eyenet Camera System

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The eyenet surveillance camera system offers discrete yet high spatial and temporal resolution video recording, and can be controlled both locally and remotely.

installing mx software

install individual camera boards (3 boards x 2 cameras/board = 6 cameras), using the common ip address and unique port, as well as the user name and password

  • video source > add
  • insert manually > camera

then set up the layout for the 6 cameras in pairs (3 boards)

  • layout > new > auto grid
  • edit grids
  • adjust pixel with, change according to the legend for e.g., panoramic mode, then save
  • then drag camera pairs over to open slot on the layout

note: remember to "save configuration" when exiting mx control center

q: can you have only one of the two cameras for a given board in your layout? a: you need to display both if you want to record both

Hardware Setup/Camera Positioning

638px x 480px

PDF Manuals

MxEasy Manual